

Minimum order:
In case of hourly payment: minimum 3 + 2.5 hours.
In case of payment based on mileage: minimum 250 km / day. (15-15 km in and out of Budapest)

The fee is determined by both payment methods, and the higher amount is invoiced. In case of domestic transports, 25% VAT is added. The prices do not include parking fees, toll fees, and other fees.
In case of international trips, the drivers' daily wage is 25 EUR / driver / day (only if they are not accommodated). The driver's working time is max. 15 hours / day, out of which the max. time spent with driving is 9 hours. A driver cannot drive for more than 4 hours without taking a break. The driver is obliged to comply with the international road safety regulations. Speed limits are 50, 70, 80 km / h.
Színes Ltd.
1201 Wesselényi street 106.
Budapest, Hungary
phone/fax: 283-1242
mobile: 20/953-3607
mobile: 20/927-3647